Windows 10 App to Listen to Police Department Radio Transmissions
Radio 911 Police Scanner Radio is a free Windows 10 app to listen to police department radio transmissions from all over the world. Check it out.
→Radio 911 Police Scanner Radio is a free Windows 10 app to listen to police department radio transmissions from all over the world. Check it out.
→Free Icon Finder is a Windows 10 app to find and download icons. This icon finder app lets you download icons in various sizes with transparent background.
→Windows 10 weight tracker app which helps you maintain weight & bmi log and track the data through weekly, monthly, or yearly graphs. Check it out.
→You-Doo is a free proximity based task scheduler and to do list app for Windows 10. Receive reminders when entering a task location.
→Textize MindMap is a free Windows 10 mind map maker app where you can download the created mind map in PNG image format. Check it out.
→Earth View – Map 3D is a free Windows 10 map app to see 3D view and street view of cities around the world. Check it out.
→Wizer is a free website which create and share interactive online worksheets for teachers, which can be used to educate students. Check it out.
→Action notes is a free Windows 10 note taking app with Windows action center integration for fast access to notes. Check it out.
→Spelling Tutor for Windows 10 is a free app to teach kids spellings by making custom word lists and playing games involving the word lists. Check it out.
→Microsoft Translator is a free Windows 10 app which lets you translate voice, camera input through OCR and keyboard input without internet connection.
→Simple Weight Log is a free Windows 10 app which lets you record and track weight loss in the form of a graph. Check it out.
→Notiny is a free Windows 10 note taking app with features like OCR, adding reminders, password protection to text notes, voice notes and lists.
→Quizalize is a free website which lets you create and share quizzes with your students and lets you track their progress online. Check it out.
→Uforio is a free web service which can sort all Reddit posts under three categories; links, pictures and videos. Check it out.