Windows 10 Population Clock to Know World population
Population clock is a free Windows 10 app with a live counter clock of the world population along with other statistics related to population.
→Population clock is a free Windows 10 app with a live counter clock of the world population along with other statistics related to population.
→Save Battery is a free Windows 10 battery app which displays battery status, remaining charge time, battery full or low notification, etc. Check it out.
→9Zen Store is a free Windows 10 app store alternative with features like copy store link, download later option, shows free app of the day, etc.
→Bookboon is a free website with free downloadable etextbooks for school and college students in various languages. Try it out.
→PhotoFacer is a free Windows 10 photo editor app where you can paste your face on someone else’s body to create funny photos. Check it out.
→WhatMoji is a free website which lets you know the meaning of Emoji when you copy & paste a emoji to this website. Check it out.
→GS Preschool Games Lite is a free Windows 10 preschool games app targeted towards children of ages 3-6 with learning games. Check it out.
→Windows 10 Currency Converter app is a free app for viewing exchange rates of over 150 world currencies and major precious metals. Check it out.
→Pixel Hero is a free Windows 10 pixel art app to create pixel superheroes which can be saved in PNG image format and can be shared with friends.
→Slots – Uber Lucky Diamonds is a free Windows 10 classic Vegas slots game app where you can try your luck without any real money. Check it out.
→Covers is a free Windows 10 app to create fake magazine covers in a few seconds using your own photos or photos of your friends. Check it out.
→Word Connection is a free Windows 10 word puzzle game app where you have to connect two words by guessing words in between them. Check it out.
→Ludo Blitz is a free Windows 10 multiplayer Ludo game app that allows you to play with other real users and enjoy your favorite Ludo game.
→Bibliovore is a free Windows 10 eBook app to read and organize eBooks which can also be synced with OneDrive to read across devices.