Free tool to Visualize Core Web Vitals Cumulative Layout Shift as GIF
Easily identify problematic layout shifts in the viewport on mobile and desktop. Available as a command line tool, or as an online tool.
→Easily identify problematic layout shifts in the viewport on mobile and desktop. Available as a command line tool, or as an online tool.
→dsq is a free open source command line tool for running SQL queries against JSON, CSV, Excel, Parquet, and more.
→Here is a free open source tool to download high resolution satellite earth images from command line. Save earth images by entering location or coordinates
→Here is a free command line tool to generate mosaic pictures from a group of photos inside a folder. Recreate an image from other images
→Here is a free command line tool to compare commits in branches of a Git repository by running simple commands. Use it on Mac, Windows, and Linux
→Here is a free command-line tool to false sign, false scan a PDF document. Use it to add hand signatures to PDF file and scan that for emailing purposes
→Here is a fee tool to test internet speed from command line. Use the speed test CLI mentioned here to test download/upload speed instantly
→This is a simple tutorial to explain how to separate drums, piano sound from songs. We will use a simple command line tool to separate songs.
→Here is a free command line tool to separate vocals from MP3 that uses neural networks to separate bass, piano, drum from songs with ease
→See how to run same command on multiple Linux servers in one go. Use parallel processing tool mentioned here and sent same command on multiple VPS/Servers
→Here is a free command line tool to export Google Maps Places to CSV. Use it to query Places API from commadn line and record result in CSV
→Here is free Cloudflare dynamic DNS Windows client for you to use. Run a simple command to automatically update IP address in your domain listing with ease
→Here is a free command line tool to see live cricket score with commentary. Good for developers to quickly see cricket score while at work.
→Here is a free software to run multiple command line tasks from one place