Free Open Source Database Client with NoSQL Support: DbGate
Here is a free open source database client with NoSQL support. Connect to variety of databases instantly, run complex queries
→Here is a free open source database client with NoSQL support. Connect to variety of databases instantly, run complex queries
→See how to convert Excel, JSON files to hosted PostgreSQL database. Use the tool mentioned here and do that in a few seconds
→Here is a free and simple online tool to convert a CSV file to a PostgreSQL database and query it via SQL from any SQL editor software of your choice
→Here is a free open source SQL editor for MySQL, Postgres with SSH tunnel. Use it to manage datasbes with SQL, save them and see SQL history
→Here is a free SQL editor with data visualization graphs. Use it to connect to multiple databases and then plot the SQL output on various graphs
→Here is a free software to join data from multiple databases and files using SQL. Use the tool mentioned here to use SQL Joins to get data in CSV, TSV
→See how to search files using SQL like commands in Windows. Use the simple tool mentioned here to find files from directories using SQL
→Here is a free online MongoDB client to query MongoDB directly from browser. Use it to quickly connect to any database and simply do different DB operations
→Learn how to connect to PostgreSQL database in VS Code. Use the VS Code extension mentioned here to run SQL command against PostgreSQL database
→Learn how to connect to PostgreSQL database in Azure Data Studio. Here is complete step by step guide to connect to a PostgreSQL instance from Data Studio
→This article covers an online service where you can upload PDF files, run SQL queries on them and download the results.
→Generate SQL Data online with these free test data generator websites. Use these to download random SQL data and use that in database tools for testing
→Here is a free SQL antipatterns identifier command line tool. use this tool to identify anti-patterns related to logical database design, SQL queries, etc
→Learn how to run SQL queries on JSON files. Use the command line tool explained here to run different SQL queries to get data in JSON, CXV, TSV format