Chat with GitHub repositories to understand code with this tool
Free AI assistant that helps you navigate and understand any codebase. Give it any GitHub repo and understand modules, functionality.
→Free AI assistant that helps you navigate and understand any codebase. Give it any GitHub repo and understand modules, functionality.
→Mailpit is a free email and SMTP testing tool with API for developers. Supports STARTTLS. See how to install and use it here in this post.
→Data science done right. Writing queries is slow and tedious work. Let QueryCraft do the heavy lifting. Describe your query.
→Maverick is the AI reviewer of your GitHub pull requests. After a new pull request, Maverick will read the relevant code and review the PR.
→ is a free website that has HTML and CSS generators for newbie developers. It→
Showcase your Python skills on the web by building fun projects, games, graphics with access to HTML5 and JavaScript libraries.
→ is a free tool to calculate time complexity of any price of code. It works online and is language agnostic.
→Here is a free tool for Database ER diagram generator that you can use. Use it to generate diagrams using text/code
→Here is a free Tailwind Grid Generator to simplify the visualization of complex grid layouts with code generation. Drag and drop.
→Passage by 1Password: the fastest and most secure way for developers and businesses to add passkey support to their products.
→Setup a user authentication in 5 minutes with prebuilt UI frontend SDKs and helper functions to build your own login page quickly.
→Here is a free tool that can show heat map of a Git repo based on diff activity. See map of files that changed the most.
→SQL Chat is a chat-based SQL client for you to ask database questions and query databases using natural language.
→SQLite GUI is a lightweight SQLite editor for Windows that is small, simple, powerful, fast, and free. Supports Charts, import/export