ESP Finder: Find Email Marketing Platform Used to Send Any Marketing Email

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This article covers a free ESP finder that finds the email marketing platform Used to Send any marketing email. ESP stands for Email Service Provider. Don’t think it as a regular email service provider like Gmail, Outlook, etc. The ESP term is used for email marketing platforms that provide bulk emails for marketing purposes, like MailChimp, SendGrid, Salesforce, SailThru, etc.

ESP Finder is a free service that you can use to discover the email marketing platform used to send any marketing email. If you got a marketing email or a newsletter in your inbox and curious to know what ESP is used to send that mail, you can find that with this service. With that said, let’s see how to use this service.

Also read: Analyze Email Marketing Strategy of your Competitors via Tracking Address

Find ESP Used to Send Any Marketing Email

Finding the email marketing platform behind any marketing email is very simple with ESP Finder. All you have to do is forward that marketing email to and it reverts you back with the name of the service.


For example, I subscribed to Morning Brew daily newsletter and I was curious to know what email marketing service they use to send their newsletter. So, I forwarded their today’s newsletter to the ESP Finder email address and it reverts back an email with the result.


Once you forward the email, it takes a few minutes to get the result. In my case, it reverts me back with the name of the email marketing service that Morning Brew uses. It’s that simple to find the email marketing service used to send a marketing email or newsletter.

Wrap Up

ESP Finder is a handy service to discover the email marketing platform behind any marketing email or newsletter. It takes a few minutes and reverts you back with the name of the service. Do give it a try yourself.

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