7 Best Free Transposition Cipher Decoder Websites

Here is a list of best free online transposition cipher decoder websites. The transposition cipher is a type of encryption that interchanges the characters of the original message in a certain order or based on the key used at the time of encoding. Unlike substitution cipher, it only rearranges the characters of the input message to achieve the encryption. Columnar Transposition cipher is the most common type of transposition cipher in which plain text is written out in rows of a fixed-length column. By reading the columns of the rows create the cipher text or encoded information. To decode the data encoded through Columnar or any other type of transposition cipher, transposition cipher decoder websites are used.

Through these transposition cipher decoder websites, users can quickly decipher or decode the data encoded through a transposition cipher tool. To decode data or extract the original information hidden in the cipher text, they mainly need the cipher text and keyword (used at the time of encoding). Some websites support alphabets along with cipher text and keywords to perform the decoding operation. Through most of these decoders, users can also perform transposition cipher encoding operations. To help new users, I have included the necessary ciphertext decoding steps in the description of each website. Go through the list to learn more about these websites.

My Favorite Online Transposition Cipher Decoder Website:

boxentriq.com is my favorite website as it can perform both transposition cipher decoding and encoding operations. Plus, it is quite simple to use.

You can also check out lists of best free Online ADFGVX Cipher DecoderOnline Polybius Square Decoder, and Online Hex Decoder websites.

Comparison Table:

Features/Website Names Supports both encoding and decoding websites Uses Columnar cipher to decode data Explains transposition cipher
dcode.fr x
cachesleuth.com x
crypto.interactivemaths.com x
hanginghyena.com x x


boxentriq.com is a free online transposition cipher decoder website. This website offers a columnar transposition cipher tool that can perform both transposition cipher encoding and decoding operations. To decode the columnar transposition ciphertext, users need encoded data and a key (used during transposition encoding). It can also decode data encoded in languages like English, Spanish, German, Italian, Swedish, etc. Now, follow the below steps.

How to perform transposition cipher decoding online using boxentriq.com:

  • Visit this website and access the Columnar Transposition Cipher.
  • Now, enter the ciphertext (encoded data) and specify the key used during encoding.
  • Next, choose the plain text language and tap the Decode button to view the original data.

Additional Features:

  • This website has multiple online tools such as Baconian Cipher, Affine Cipher, Rot13, Cryptogram, One-time pad, Playfair Cipher, and more.

Final Thoughts:

It is one of the best free transposition cipher decoding websites that help users decode the data encoded using the transposition cipher encoder.

Pros Cons
Can perform both transposition decoding and encoding operations
Explains columnar transposition cipher


dcode.fr is a free online transposition cipher decoder website. Through this website, users can decode ciphertext encoded through a transposition encoder. To do that, it mainly needs ciphertext and encryption key data. This decoder can also work with the ciphertext of various languages like English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, etc. An inbuilt transposition cipher encoder is also present on this website that helps users encode data through transposition cipher.

This website also explains transposition cipher with the help of examples. Common queries related to transposition cipher are also answered by it. Now, follow the below steps.

How to perform transposition cipher decoding online using dcode.fr:

  • Visit this website and access the Transposition Decoder.
  • After that, enter the ciphertext in the transposition ciphertext field.
  • Next, choose a plain text language and enter the key.
  • Finally, click on the Decrypt button to view the decoded data.

Additional Features:

  • This website offers multiple cryptography tools like Affine Cipher, Bacon Cipher, Book Cipher, Polybius Cipher, Shift Cipher, Word Substitution, and more.

Final Thoughts:

It is another good online transposition cipher decoder website that helps users decode data encoded through a transposition encoder.

Pros Cons
Can perform both transposition decoding and encoding operations
Answers multiple queries related to transposition cipher


cryptool.org is a free online transposition cipher decoder website. This website uses the simple column transposition cipher to encode and decode data. This cipher technique interchanges lines of the plaintext to encode the data. By providing the encoded data and keyword, users can achieve the decoding operation. This website also explains the column transposition in detail which users can access from its Description section. Now, follow the below steps.

How to perform transposition cipher decoding online using cryptool.org:

  • Visit this website using the given link.
  • After that, go to the Cipher section.
  • Now, submit both the encoded data and keywords in respective fields.
  • Next, select the Decipher option.
  • Finally, tap on the Show/ modify code button to view the decoded data.

Additional Features:

  • This website offers a variety of online tools like Password Checker, Password Generator, OpenSSL, Atbash Cipher, Autokey Cipher, Enigma Cipher, etc.

Final Thoughts:

It is another good online transposition cipher decoder website that performs both transposition cipher decoding and encoding operations.

Pros Cons
Can perform both transposition decoding and encoding operations
Explains the working of transposition cipher


cachesleuth.com is another free transposition cipher decoder website. This website offers a columnar transposition cipher tool to encode and decode data using the transposition cipher method. It needs cipher text, keywords, and alphabets used during encoding to perform the decoding operation. Apart from performing the transposition cipher decoding and encoding operations, it provides a short description of the columnar cipher that users can read. Now, follow the below steps.

How to perform transposition cipher decoding online using cachesleuth.com:

  • Visit this website and access the columnar transposition cipher tool.
  • After that, enter the encoded data in the ciphertext field.
  • Now, submit the alphabet and keywords.
  • Finally, click on the Decrypt button to view the original data.

Additional Feature:

  • This website has multiple cipher tools like Affine, Bifid, Carbonaro, Double Transposition, Hill, Porta Key, and more.

Final Thoughts:

It is another good online transposition cipher decoder website that helps users decode data encoded through transposition cipher encoding.

Pros Cons
Performs both encoding and decoding operations
Provides a short description explaining columnar transposition cipher



crypto.interactivemaths.com is another free online transposition cipher decoder website. This website uses the Myszkowski Transposition Cipher to perform transposition cipher encryption and decryption operations. Myazkowski transposition cipher is a variant of the Columnar transposition cipher where the plaintext is written out in rows under the keyword. The only difference is that when there are repeated letters in the keyword, rather than numbering them from left to right. Now, follow the below steps.

How to perform transposition cipher decoding operation online using crypto.interactivemaths.com:

  • Visit this website using the given link.
  • After that, specify alphabets and keywords used at the time of transposition cipher encoding.
  • Next, enter the encoded data in the ciphertext field.
  • Finally, click on the Decrypt button to view the original data without any space between words.

Additional Features:

  • Users can explore multiple online cipher tools on this website like Pigpen Cipherm Affine Cipher, Adbash Cipher, Route Cipher, and more.

Final Thoughts:

It is another simple online transposition cipher decoder website that uses Myazkowski transposition cipher to perform both encoding and decoding operations.

Pros Cons
Performs both encoding and decoding operations
Uses Myazkowski transposition cipher to decode data
Explains encryption and decryption process


hanginghyena.com is another free online transposition cipher decoder website. Like most other similar websites, it uses the columnar transposition cipher method to decode encoded data. It can also be used to encode data through transposition cipher as it offers an inbuilt encoder tool. Both the encoding and decoding process are quite simple. To decode data, users need to submit the ciphertext and keyword data. Now, follow the below steps.

How to perform transposition cipher decoding online using hanginghyena.com:

  • Visit this website and access the Columnar Transposition Solver section.
  • After that, choose the Decode option.
  • Now, enter the keyword and submit the ciphertext.
  • Finally, click on the Translate Message button to view the original data.

Additional Features:

  • This website has multiple online tools such as Hangman Solver, Scrabble Helper, Boggle Solver, Cryptograms, and more.

Final Thoughts:

It is another good online transposition cipher decoder website that anyone can use without much hassle.

Pros Cons
Performs both encoding and decoding operations


rumkin.com is another free online transposition cipher decoder website. This website explains columnar transposition cipher with the help of examples. Plus, it can perform both decoder and encoder operations. To decode data, it needs encoded ciphertext and column key data. Now, follow the below steps.

How to perform transposition cipher decoder online using rumkin.com:

  • Visit this website and access the columnar transposition section.
  • After that, choose the Decrypt option from the Operating Mode.
  • Now, enter the column key and ciphertext.
  • Finally, view the decoded data.

Additional Features:

  • This website supports multiple types of ciphers like Bifid, Gronsfled, Playfair, Rotate, Caesar, Affine, and more.

Final Thoughts:

It is another straightforward online transposition cipher decoder that anyone can use without much hassle.

Pros Cons
Performs both encoding and decoding operations
Explains transposition cipher with the help of examples


Frequently Asked Questions

Substitution Ciphers change the letters themselves while keeping their order intact. Each letter in the plaintext is replaced with a different letter, number, or symbol according to a predetermined rule or key. On the other hand, Transposition Ciphers rearrange the order of letters without changing the letters themselves. The plaintext is written out in a grid or pattern, and then the letters are read off in a different order determined by a key.

A two-stage transposition cipher, also known as a double transposition cipher, is a technique that applies a transposition cipher twice, using different keys for each stage, to enhance the encryption strength. In the first stage, the plaintext is written out in a grid or pattern according to the first key. The letters are then read off in a different order, rearranging them. On the second stage: the rearranged letters from the first stage are again written out in a grid or pattern, this time according to the second key. The letters are read off in a different order once more, creating the final ciphertext.

A simple transposition cipher is a method of encryption where the positions of the characters in the plaintext are shifted according to a regular system, creating the ciphertext. One of the basic types of transposition ciphers is the columnar transposition cipher.

Transposition ciphers are a type of encryption where the positions of the characters in the plaintext are rearranged according to a certain system or key to produce the ciphertext. There are various types of transposition ciphers, and some common ones include: Columnar Transposition Cipher, Rail Fence Cipher, Route Cipher, Grillie, and more. 

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