5 Best Free Online JWT Generator Websites

Here is a list of best free online JWT generator websites. JWT or JSON Web Token is an open standard to transfer security information between two parties i.e. client and server. Each JWT carries a set of custom claims and encoded JSON objects. They are also signed using a cryptographic algorithm like ES256, ES384, ES512, etc. JWTs are also relatively small, which made them compatible to shared through HTTP headers, URLs, and Post Parameters. To generate a custom JWT, users need these online JWT generator tools.

Using these online JWT generator websites, users can quickly generate JSON Web Tokens according to their requirements. To do that, users can enter standard and added claims such as Issuer Name, Issued Date, Expiration Date, Audience, and Subject. After that, these websites require a Key-value and Key algorithm. Using the provided information they generate a JWT that users can copy to their clipboard. I have also included the steps of JWT generation in the description of each website.

These websites also come with additional tools that may come in handy such as Language Tutorials, SAM Parser, Brance tools, etc. Go through the list to know more about these websites.

My Favorite Online JWT Generator Website:

javainuse.com is my favorite website JWT generation website that can quickly generate custom JWTs.

You can also check out lists of best free Online UUID Generator ToolOnline HMAC Generator, and Online Integral Calculator websites.


javainuse.com is a free online JWT generator website. Using this website, users can generate a JWT token according to their requirements. In the initial steps of JWT generation, users need to enter all the JWT Payload namely Claim Types (Issuer, Issued at, Expiration value, etc.) and Claim Values. After that, users need to create JSON Web Token secret key by specifying the key algorithm (HS256, HS384, etc.) and key data. After entering all the details, users can start the JWT generation process. Now, follow the below steps.

How to generate JWT online using javainuse.com:

  • Visit this website and enter all the JWT Payload information like multiple Claim Types and Claim values.
  • After that, specify the key and key algorithm to create JSON web token secret key.
  • In the end, click on the Create JWT button to view the final JWT code that users can copy to the clipboard.

Additional Features:

  • This website also comes with additional JWT Decoder, HTML Encoder, RSA Encryption, PGP Encryption, etc., online tools.

Final Thoughts:

It is a capable online HWT generator website that can easily generate custom JWT code.


jwtbuilder.jamiekurtz.com is another free online JWT generator website. Using this website, users can specify standard JWT claims along with various additional claims to generate a JWT code. It also shows the generated claim set in plain text before starting the JWT generation process. Now, follow the below steps.

How to generate JWT online using jwtbuilder.jamiekurtz.com:

  • Visit this website using the given link.
  • After that, enter the Standard JWT Claims such as Issuer Name, Issued Date, Expiration Date, Audience, and Subject.
  • Next, enter Additional Claims in the form of Claims name and Claims values.
  • Now, enter Key and specify the Key algorithm (HS256, HS384, or HS512).
  • Finally, click on the Create Signed JWT button to view the generated JWT code that you can copy to the clipboard.

Final Thoughts:

It is another good JWT generator website that can consider both Standard and various additional JWT claims in generating a JWT code.


scottbrady91.com is another free online JWT generator website. This website is specially designed to create simple JWT code for testing purposes. Users can enter both valid and invalid claims to generate a custom JWT code. The only required claim with this tool is alg header. Now, follow the below steps to generate JWT using this website.

How to generate JWT online using scottbrady91.com:

  • Visit this website and import a private key.
  • After that, make any changes to the key if you want.
  • Next, specify a key algorithm (ES256, ES384, ES512, etc.).
  • After that, set the JWT header and payload.
  • Finally, click on the Create JWT button to view the JWT code.

Additional Features:

  • This website also offers online SAML Parser and Brance online tools for developers.

Final Thoughts:

It is another simple-to-use online JWT generator website that offers all the essential tools for a JWT for testing purposes without any mandatory claims.


codeusingjava.com is yet another free online JWT generator website. Through this website, users can generate custom JSON Web Tokens. To create JWT, users need to enter multiple claims like Issuer, Issued At, Expiration Date, User Name, Role, and more. After adding all the claims, users need to enter a key and specify the key algorithm (HS256, HS384, or HS512). After specifying all the input parameters, users can start the JWT generation process. Now, follow the below steps.

How to generate JWT online using token.dev:

  • Launch this website using the provided link.
  • After that, enter all the claims in the form of Payload Type and Payload values.
  • Next, enter a key and then choose one algorithm.
  • Lastly, click on the Build button to view the generated JWT code.

Additional Features:

  • Tutorials: This website offers multiple tutorials about Spring Boot, Angular, Java, Apache Camel, DevOps, etc. languages and technologies.

Final Thoughts:

It is another capable online JWT generator website that allows users to use custom claims to generate a JWT code.


kjur.github.io is the last free online JWT generator website. Using this website, users can set custom claims and select the issuer key and JWS signing algorithms. It also gives an option to specify the signature algorithm (HS256, HS384, HS512, etc.). Apart from generating JWT, it can also be used to verify signed JSON Web Tokens. Now, follow the below steps.

How to generate JWT online using kjur.github.io:

  • Go to this website using the provided link.
  • After that, Set the Claim by specifying the Issuer, Subject, Time, etc., details.
  • Next, choose the issuer key and JWS signing algorithm from the available ones.
  • Lastly, enter your own public key or X.509 in the Step 3 field and click on the Sign it button to generate the JWT online.

Final Thoughts:

It is another decent online JWG generator website that can also be used to verify signed JWTs.

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Naveen Kushwaha

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