9 Best Free Online JWT Decoder Websites

Here is a list of best free online JWT decoder websites. JWT or JSON Web Token is a type of open standard that is used to share security information between clients and serves. Each JSON Web Token carries encoded JSON objects and a set of claims. JWTs are also encrypted through encrypting algorithms to prevent any changes on claims before issuing of tokens. To view and access all the JWT Token data, users need to decode it. To do that, they need online JWT decoder websites.

These online JWT decoder websites decode JWT token code into JWT Header and Payload section carrying data in a formatted way. Some websites also show signatures after decoding JWT tokens. A few websites also let users decode JWT tokens using different JWT algorithms like PS256, PS384, HS256, HS384, etc. After completing the decoding process, users can copy and share the output with others. The process to decode JSON is straightforward on most of these websites. Still, to help out new users, I have included the necessary decoding steps in the description of each website.

These websites also come with additional tools like PKC Code Generator, SAML Decoder, Password Hashing Checker, JWT Encoder, etc. Go through the list to know more about these websites.

My Favorite Online JWT Decoder Website:

developer.pingidentity.com is my favorite website as it quickly decodes JTW tokens into Header, Body, and Signature sections.

You can also check out lists of best free Online JWT GeneratorOnline Punycode Decoder, and Online SSL Certificate Decoder websites.


developer.pingidentity.com is a free online JWT decoder website. It is another good online JWT decoder website that offers a complete description of JWT tokens and their uses. Plus, a simple JWT Decoder to quickly decode JWT tokens to Header and Payload section is also available. It also provides a Signature which is basically an encoding of the header and payload. Now, follow the below steps.

How to decode JWT tokens online using developer.pingidentity.com:

  • Visit this website and go to the JWT Decoder section.
  • Next, enter or paste the JWT token in the input field.
  • Now, click on the Decode button to start the decoding process.
  • After that, view the decoded Header, Payload, and Signature that you can copy.

Additional Features:

  • Verify Signature: Use this tool to verify the signature of your decoded JWT token using the passphrase.
  • Tools: A good set of additional tools are also provided by it such as PKC Code Generator, SAML Decoder, Password Hashing Checker, JWT Encoder, and more.

Final Thoughts:

It is one of the best free online JWT token decoder website that can also be used to verify JWT token signatures.


jstoolset.com is a free online JWT decoder website. Using this website, users can decode JWT Token into two parts named as Decoded JWT and Explanation. The Decoded JWT section shows the decoded code in a formatted way. The Explanation section shows Field (alg, type, sub, etc.), Value (HS256, JWT, 123456, etc), and their explanations. Now, follow the below steps.

How to decode JWT online using jstoolset.com:

  • Visit this website and open up the JWT Decoder section.
  • After that, enter the token in the JWT Token field.
  • Next, view the Decoded JWT and their Explanation in the respective sections. Users can also copy the decoded JWT.

Additional Features:

  • JSON Tools: This website offers multiple online JSON tools like JSON Formatter, JSON Query, HTML Editor, Cron Parser URL Decode, and more.

Final Thoughts:

It is another good online JWT Decoder website that offers all the tools to decode JWT tokens with ease.


token.dev is another free online JWT decoder website. Through this website, users can decode a large JWT string to the Header and Payload sections. Besides this, it also shows the Signing key that users can view in both Base64 encoded and non-encoded format. It also lets users copy all the decoded data. Now, check out the below steps.

How to decode JWT online using token.dev:

  • Visit this website using the given link.
  • After that, paste the JWT token in the JWT String section.
  • As soon as you enter the JWT token, this website will start the decoding process and shows both the Header and Payload data that you can copy.
  • Next, view the Signing key in either standard or Base64 encoded format.

Additional Features:

  • This website also offers a developer blog carrying various posts associated with the development and languages.

Final Thoughts:

It is a straightforward online JWT decoder website through which users can quickly decode JWT tokens into Header and Payload sections.


calebb.net is another free online JWT decoder website. This website comes with a simple JWT Decoder that can easily decode a JWT token and shows its Header and Payload with proper formatting. It also comes with multiple JWT token examples that you can try before decoding your JWT token. Now, follow the below steps.

How to decode JWT token online using calebb.net:

  • Visit this website using the provided link.
  • After that, enter the JWT Token in the JWT Decoder field.
  • Next, hit enter to view the decode Header and Payload data.

Final Thoughts:

It is another simple-to-use online JWT decoder website that doesn’t offer any other tool besides the JWT decoder.


jwt.io is yet another free online JWT decoder website. Through this website, users can decode JWT tokens using various algorithms such as PS256, PS384, HS256, HS384, HS512, and more. After decoding a JSON Web Token, it shows the decoded data in the form of Header, Payload, and Signature. It also allows users to share the decoded JWT with others. Now, follow the below steps.

How to decode JWT token online using jwt.io:

  • Start this website and enter the JWT token in the Encoded section.
  • Next, choose the decoding algorithm from the Algorithm menu.
  • Now, start the decoding process to view the Header, Payload Data, and Signature that can be shared with others.

Additional Features:

  • This website also offers a signature verification tool that users can use to verify their JWT token signature.
  • A good set of Libraries for token signing is also provided by it.

Final Thoughts:

It is another good online JWT decoder website that can quickly decode JWT tokens and verify their signatures.


javainuse.com is another free online JWT decoder website. This website comes with many JAVA and JSON tools one of which is an online JWT Decoder. This decoder takes the JWT token as the input and quickly decoded it. After performing the decoding process, it only shows the Payload data, unlike similar websites that also show Header and Signature information. Now, check out the below steps.

How to decode JWT token online using javainuse.com:

  • Visit this website and open up the Online JWT Decoder tool.
  • After that, enter the JWT Token data in the Enter JWT field
  • Now, click on the Decode JWT button to immediately view the formatted Payload data that you can copy.

Additional Features:

  • This website also comes with additional online JWT Generator, Bcrypt Generator, HTML Encoder, HTML Decoder, etc., online tools.

Final Thoughts:

It is a decent online JWT decoder website as it only shows the Payload of the JWT token.


dinochiesa.github.io is another free online JWT decoder website. This website offers a capable JWT decoder tool that can decide JWT tokens using multiple algorithms such as RS256, RS384, RS512, ES256, ES384, and more. Plus, options to decode JWT token in both signed and encrypted formats is also provided by it. After decoding the token, it shows Decoded Header, Decoded Payload, Private Key, and Public Key. Now, check out the below steps.

How to decode JWT token online using dinochiesa.github.io:

  • Visit this website and specify the decode algorithm and format of decoded data (Encrypted or Signed).
  • Next, enter the JWT Token in the Encoded Token field.
  • As soon as you enter the JWT token, you can view the decoded data.


  • This online tool is open source and you can find its source code on Github.

Final Thoughts:

It is another capable yet simple to use online JWT token decoder website that anyone can use with ease.


adfshelp.microsoft.com is the next free online JWT decoder website. This website comes with a dedicated JWT decoder tool that can decode a JWT token and divide the output into Header (Hashing Algorithm and Token Type) and Payload (Data and Claims) sections. Now, check out the below steps.

How to decode JWT token online using adfshelp.microsoft.com:

  • Launch this website using the given link.
  • After that, open up the JWT Decoder.
  • Now, paste the JWT token in the Encoded JWT Token field.
  • Next, view the output in the Decoded JWT Token section.

Additional Features:

  • This website also offers online tools such as Diagnostics Analyzer, Claims X-Ray, JSON Claims, JWT Decoder, and more.

Final Thoughts:

It is another capable online JWT decoder website that offers all the essential tools to decode JWT tokens.


devtoolzone.com is the last free online JWT token decoder website. This JSON Web Tokens decoder website comes with a dedicated JWT decoder website that can decode and show JWT data in the JWT header and JWT Body format. Besides this, it can also be used to verify the JWT signature. Now, follow the below steps.

How to decode JWT token online using devtoolzone.com:

  • Visit this website and access the JWT Token Decoder.
  • After that, enter the JWT Token code.
  • Next, click on the Decode JWT button to start the decoding process.
  • Lastly, view and copy output from JWT Header and JWT Body sections.

Additional Features:

  • This website can also be used to perform URL Decoding, URL Encoding, Base64 Decoding, and Base64 Encoding tasks.

Final Thoughts:

It is another good online JWT token decoder website that anyone can use to decode JWT tokens into  JWT Header and JWT Body format.

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Naveen Kushwaha

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