13 Best Free Online Javascript Obfuscator Websites

Check these best free online Javascript Obfuscator websites. As a web developer, you might need to secure your JavaScript code from being used without permission. JavaScript obfuscation is one solution that can help you with that. It is a process of making the hard to understand by changing the representation of it. There are many ways to do that. Doing this makes it hard to understand and thus copy the code. Despite that, the obfuscated code has the same functionality as the original JS code. There are many online JavaScript obfuscator tools that you can use to do so.

This post covers 13 websites where you can obfuscate JavaScript. These websites feature online JS Obfuscators where you can add the original JS code and turn it into obfuscated code. Some of these tools take a pre-defined approach to obfuscation. Whereas, some tools allow you to define the obfuscation process. You get a bunch of options that you can configure and customize the obfuscation. By doing that, you can protect your JavaScript code online. So, let’s dive in and explore these tools in detail.

My Favorite Online JavaScript Obfuscator

Obfuscator.io is my favorite website on this list to obfuscate JavaScript online. This tool offers a wide selection of options to configure the obfuscation process. This allows you to create your own custom obfuscation process for better results. Also, it offers multiple input and output methods to add the JS code and save the obfuscated output.

Check out our other lists of the best free Java IDE Software, JavaScript Minify Software, and online JSON Schema Generator websites.

Overview Table:

Websites JS Input Obfuscate Proess Output
Obfuscator.io Paste/File Configurable Copy/JS
FreeJSObfuscator.com Paste Configurable Copy
Preemptive.com Paste/File Configurable Copy/TXT
JavaScriptObfuscator.com Paste/File Configurable Copy/TXT
HTMLStrip.com Paste/File/URL Automatic Copy
CleanCSS.com Paste Automatic Copy
BeautifyTools.com Paste Automatic Copy
wTools.io Paste/File Automatic Copy/JS
CodeBeautify.org Paste/File/URL Automatic Copy/TXT
BeautifyConverter.com Paste Automatic Copy
TechyHit.com Paste Automatic Copy
Online-Toolz.com Paste Automatic Copy
SEOSniffer.com Paste Automatic Copy


Obfuscator.io is a free online JavaScript Obfuscator website. It offers a simple tool that converts the original JavaScript code into a new hard-to-understand presentation. This tool offers a set of transformations, such as variable/function/arguments renaming, string removal, and others. You get a few presets to automatically configure the obfuscating options. You can also make your own changes to create a custom set of options. With that, you can obfuscate the JavaScript and get the code.

How to obfuscate JavaScript online with Obfuscator.io?

  • Open this website in your browser or follow the direct link given below.
  • Add the JS code directly or upload a file to fetch the code.
  • Then, either pick a preset or configure the obfuscate options as per your liking.
  • After that, click the Obfuscate button to get the output.


  • Input Method: Paste or File Upload.
  • Transformation Options: Strings, Identifiers, and Other transformations.
  • Output: Copy and Download as a JS File.


FreeJSObfuscator.com is a free website to obfuscate JavaScript online. The tool has an input editor where you can put the JS code. Above the editor, you get a set of options to set the obfuscate parameters. There are general parameters where you can remove line breaks and indentations, add var prefixes, etc. Then there are string options to mix strings, hex conversion, split long, and more. Apart from that, you can set the functions and globals that you want to ignore in the output. You can configure these options and then obfuscate the JS code.

How to obfuscate JavaScript online with FreeJSObfuscator?

  • Go to this tool in your browser using the direct link given below.
  • Paste the JS code into the input editor.
  • Then configure the obfuscate options as per your requirements.
  • After that, click the Obfuscate JS button from the editor to get the obfuscated JS code.


  • Input Method: Paste.
  • Transformation Options: Strings transformations, Ignore functions, etc.
  • Output: Copy.


Preemptive.com offers a free online JSDefender Demo tool. You can use this tool to obfuscate JavaScript online. The tool offers a decent set of obfuscate options. The options include Boolean Replacement, Integer Replacement, String Extraction, Constant Argument Obfuscation, Console Cloaking, and more. This tool also supports file upload. That means you can upload a JS file to add the code and then obfuscate it within a minute. After obfuscating, you can copy the code or export it as a TXT file.

How to obfuscate JavaScript online with Preemptive?

  • Open this JSDefender Demo tool using the link given below.
  • Upload the JS file or paste the code directly into the input editor.
  • Configure the protection options for the obfuscation.
  • Then click the Protect button to obfuscate the code. You can copy it or download it as a TXT file.


  • Input Method: Paste or File Upload.
  • Transformation Options: Boolean and Integer replacement, Console Cloaking, etc.
  • Output: Copy and Download as a TXT file.


JavaScriptObfuscator.com has an online JavaScript Obfuscator that you can use for free. This tool offers two methods to add the JS code for obfuscation. Either you can upload a file to extract the code from that. Or, you can paste the code directly to the editor. Then it offers 3 sets of options to configure the obfuscation. The first set covers general options such as encoding strings, moving strings, replacing names, keeping line feeds, etc. The second set covers the advanced options including options such as code transposition, replacements, etc. And the last set is where you can define the variables that you want to exclude. With that, you can obfuscate your JS code on this website.

How to obfuscate JavaScript online with JavaScriptObfuscator?

  • Follow the link given below to open this tool in your browser.
  • Add the JS code directly or upload the JS file to get the code.
  • Customize the obfuscating options accordingly.
  • Then click the Obfuscate button from the top to get the final code.


  • Input Method: Paste or File Upload.
  • Transformation Options: Basic options, Various Transposition, Variable Exclusion, etc.
  • Output: Copy and Download as a TXT file.


HTMLStrip.com offers a free online JavaScript obfuscator tool. This is a simple tool that comes with an editor for input. You can directly paste or type the JS code into the editor. Alternatively, you can also upload a JS file or import code via a URL. This tool automatically obfuscates the code with one option for users. You can select whether you want to inject dead code or not. You can toggle the options as per your liking and obfuscate your JS code online.

How to obfuscate JavaScript online with HTMLStrip?

  • Use the link given below to access this tool directly.
  • Add the JS code directly or upload the JS file to get the code.
  • Toggle the “dead code injection” if you like.
  • Then click the Obfuscate button from the top to get the final code.


  • Input Method: Paste, File Upload, or URL Import.
  • Transformation Options: Dead code injection.
  • Output: Copy.


CleanCSS.com has a free online JavaScript obfuscator tool. This is a simple tool that automatically obfuscates JavaScript for you. You can simply type or paste the code into the editor. It offers a few options where you can pick the encoding method along with a toggle for special characters. With that, you can run the tool to encode the code. Within seconds, it gives you the obfuscated output.

How to obfuscate JavaScript online with CleanCSS?

  • Follow the given mentioned below to open this tool in your browser.
  • Paste the JS code into the editor.
  • Pick the encoding method and special characters toggle.
  • Then click the Obfuscate button to get the final code.


  • Input Method: Paste.
  • Transformation Options: Option to set encoding method.
  • Output: Copy.


BeautifyTools.com is another website with a free online JaveScript obfuscator. This is a simple tool with a single editor. You have to paste the JS code that you want to obfuscate into the editor. Then there is a dropdown to set the encoding method along with a “Special Characters” toggle. You can configure these options as per your liking and then obfuscate the code. This tool automatically obfuscates the code with no additional options. However, it does shows the compression ratio of the process.

How to obfuscate JavaScript online with BeautifyTools?

  • Use the given mentioned below to open this tool in your browser.
  • Add the JS code into the editor.
  • Then, pick the encoding method and special characters toggle.
  • After that, use the Obfuscate button to get the final code.


  • Input Method: Paste.
  • Transformation Options: Option to set encoding method.
  • Output: Copy.


wTools.io also offers a free online JavaScript obfuscator tool. This tool also does not offer many options to configure the obfuscation process. Instead, it just has options to set the encoding and allow special characters. Apart from that, the editor here lets you upload files to add the code. You can directly paste the code as well. Once the process is done, it shows the obfuscated code below with quick options to copy and download.

How to obfuscate JavaScript online with wTools.io?

  • Go to this tool on wTools.io using the link provided below.
  • Add the JS code into the editor or upload the JS file directly.
  • Then, click the OPTIONS button to access the encoding method and special characters toggle.
  • After that, use the Obfuscate button to get the final code.


  • Input Method: Paste or File Upload.
  • Transformation Options: Option to set encoding method.
  • Output: Copy and Download as a JS file.


CodeBeautify.org is a popular website with a collection of online formatters, inspectors, calculators, and other tools. It also offers a free JavaScript obfuscator tool. The tool has two editors side by side; one for input and one for output. As soon as you add the input, it almost instantly shows you the output in the other editor. This tool does not have any configurable obfuscating options. But it does offer multiple ways to add the JS code and save the obfuscated output.

How to obfuscate JavaScript online with CodeBeautify?

  • Follow the given below to open this tool in your browser.
  • Use any of the input methods to add your JS code to the tool.
  • It instantly gives you the obfuscated output for the input.


  • Input Method: Paste, URL Import, or File Upload.
  • Transformation Options: None.
  • Output: Copy and Download as a TXT file.


BeautifyConverter.com is another free website where you can obfuscate JavaScript online. This website offers a simple tool that automatically obfuscates the JS code. All you have to do is add the code to the tool. Then it only takes a click to obfuscate the code that you can copy. Do note that, there is no way to configure the obfuscating process with this tool. This can directly impact the hardness of the obfuscated output. You can give it a try and see for yourself.

How to obfuscate JavaScript online with BeautifyConverter?

  • Go to the direct link given below to open this tool in your browser.
  • Paste your JS code into the editor.
  • Then click the JS Obfuscator (eval) button to get the output.


  • Input Method: Paste.
  • Transformation Options: None.
  • Output: Copy.


TechyHit.com has a free tool to obfuscate JavaScript online. This tool follows an automatic approach for obfuscating the code. That means you do not get options where you can customize how you want the obfuscating to work. If that is fine by you then you can simply add your JS code into the tool and get an obfuscated output. It is as simple as that.

How to obfuscate JavaScript online with TechyHit?

  • Open this tool in your browser by following the direct link given below.
  • Add your JS code into the editor.
  • Then click the Obfuscator now! button to get the output.


  • Input Method: Paste.
  • Transformation Options: None.
  • Output: Copy.


Online-Toolz.com offers a free online JavaScript obfuscator tool. You can use this tool to obfuscate the JS code online. The process is quite simple to follow. You can simply paste the JS code into the tool and get the obfuscated output. There is no option to configure anything there. But it does show you the size of the input code as well as obfuscated output.

How to obfuscate JavaScript online with Online-Toolz?

  • Follow the link given below to open this tool directly.
  • Add your JS code into the editor.
  • After that, click the Obfuscator button to get the output.


  • Input Method: Paste.
  • Transformation Options: None.
  • Output: Copy.


SEOSniffer is yet another website where you can obfuscate JavaScript online. This is another simple tool that takes an automatic approach to the obfuscation of the JS code. The tool has an editor where you have to add the input code. You can either type the code into the editor or paste it directly. After adding the code, you can just run the tool right away. Within seconds, it gives you the obfuscated code in a text box. You get a copy button alongside the output that you can use to copy the output code to the clipboard.

How to obfuscate JavaScript online with SEOSniffer?

  • Use the link given below to open this tool directly.
  • Paste or type your JS code into the editor.
  • After that, click the Obfuscator button to get the obfuscated output.


  • Input Method: Paste.
  • Transformation Options: None.
  • Output: Copy.
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