4 Best Free Online EMV Calculator Websites

Here is a list of the best free online EMV calculator websites. EMV is short for Expected Monetary Value. EMV is a project management metric used to determine the overall contingency reserve required for the plan. As a project can go good and bad, there are always risk events that impact the project. With the probability of occurrence of a risk event and its impact (positive or negative), EMV tells you how much additional investment you should reserve to cover the relative risks. EMV is not applicable to all projects. But where it works, it is really helpful to shock up the risks without impacting the project.

This post covers 4 websites where you can calculate the EMV for a project. The EMV calculators offered by these websites are quite simple to use. All you have to do is add the probability of occurrence of a risk event along with the financial impact of the event. For that, the calculators determine the Expected Monetary Value that you should reserve for the project.

My Favorite Online EMV Calculator

OmniCalculator.com is my favorite website on this list for EMV calculation. This is a simple-to-use calculator that can factor in multiple relative risks to calculate an overall Expected Monetary Value. And, it also provides options to share the results via social platforms, email, or direct link share.

You can also check out our other lists of the best free Online Return On Investment Calculator Websites, Online Debt Payoff Calculator Websites, and Online Bank Reconciliation Calculator Websites.


OmniCalculator.com has a free online EMV calculator. This calculator can help you compute the expected monetary value or cost of risk. To do that, you just have to provide the probability and impact of the occurrence. When you add a risk event, another section pops on the screen for additional risk events. This way, you can add multiple risk events. The final EMV factors in all the added risk events.

How to calculate EMV online using OmniCalculator?

  • Go to this EMV calculator by following the link given below.
  • Enter the Probability of Occurrence and Impact of occurrence into the calculator.
  • Add the Probability and Impact of multiple risk events, if needed.
  • This gets you the EMV result for all the risk events.


  • This calculator can calculate EMV for multiple risk events.
  • Option to send and share the result link with others.


EasyCalculation.com offers a free online EMV calculator. You can use this calculator to find the risk of a project. You can simply add the impact of the occurrence of the event and the probability of the occurrence of the event. It also has an option to set the currency of choice. It’s for user convenience only and does not impact the calculations. This calculator can only calculate the EMV of one risk event at a time. There is no option to include multiple risk events in one calculator. But you can always calculate and compare events separately.

How to calculate EMV online using EasyCalculation?

  • Open this EMV calculator by following the link given below.
  • Select your currency of choice for the calculation.
  • Enter the Probability of Occurrence and Impact of occurrence into the calculator.
  • Then click the Calculate button to get the EMV.


  • This calculator can calculate EMV for a single risk event.
  • Option to set the currency for the calculation.


Calculator.academy offers a simple online EMV calculator. This calculator starts with the formula of EMV. Below that, you get the options to add the Total Value of the Event and the Probability of Event Occurrence in percentage. It only takes one risk event per calculation. With that, it gives you the EMV for that risk event.

How to calculate EMV online using Calculator.academy?

  • Follow the link given below to open this calculator in your browser.
  • Add the Total Value of Event and Probability of Event Occurrence into the calculator.
  • Then click the Calculate button to get the Expected Monetary Value.


  • This calculator can calculate EMV for a single risk event.
  • Option to send and share the result link with others.


vCalc.com is yet another website with an online EMV calculator. It is a simple calculator that takes the Impact of Occurrence and the Probability of Occurrence of a risk event. It offers multiple currency options for its impact. Similarly, there are three options for the probability as well. You can add your values and then get the Expected Monetary Value of the risk event.

How to calculate EMV online using vCalc.com?

  • Use the link given below to open this calculator directly.
  • Select your currency of choice and add the Impact of Occurrence.
  • Select the Probability of Occurrence option and add the value.
  • This gets you the EMV result for all the risk events.


  • This calculator can calculate EMV for a single risk event.
  • Option to set the currency for the calculation.
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