7 Best Free Online Candela to Lux Conversion Calculator Websites

Here is a list of the best free online Candela to Lux Conversion Calculator websites. Candela is the SI unit of luminous intensity. It measures the amount of light emitted in a particular direction by a light source. On the other hand, Lux is the SI unit of illuminance. It measures the amount of light that falls on a surface per unit area. Lux is derived from Candela and meters squared, following is the formula for lux conversion:

Lux = Candela / Distance².

As the distance from the light source increases, Lux decreases. This is because the same amount of light is spread over a larger area. Lux value depends on the distance from the light source, it can not be directly used from a candela measurement. You have to perform a conversion with the specific distance for the lux value. This post covers 7 websites where you can convert Candela to Lux online. These websites provide simple tools where you can add your values and quickly perform the conversion.

My Favorite Online Candela to Lux Conversion Calculator

OmniCalculator.com is my website of choice to convert Candela to Lux online. This calculator can easily perform candela, lumen, and lux conversion. You can add one value and convert that to the other two. It also has an option to factor in the angle of the light source for precise calculations.

You can check out our other lists of the best free Online Flight Radiation Calculator WebsitesOnline Light Pollution Map Websites, and Stage Lighting Software for Windows.

Overview Table:

Name candela to lux lux to candela Distance unit(s)
OmniCalculator.com 11 options
RapidTables.com feet/meters
Calculatorology.com x feet/meters
RFWireless-World.com meters
CalcMagics.com x feet/meters
FindMyTotal.com x feet
GoPhotonics.com x feet/meters


OmniCalculator.com is a popular website that provides thousands of free online calculators for various tasks. It has a Lumen Calculator (Lumen to Lux to Candela) that can help you convert between the three most popular units of measuring light: candelas, lumens, and lux. The calculator has candela, lumen, lux, source radiation angle, distance, and surface area as the parameters. You can add candela/lumen/lux value along with the distance to make the conversion. Apart from candela and lumen, the calculator supports multiple measuring units for the other parameters. You can pick the unit of choice for those parameters and easily perform your conversion. This calculator takes the conversion a step ahead with the angle of the radiation source. It can help you factor in a light source that is not directly parallel or vertical to the surface.

How to convert candela to lumen online using OmniCalculator.com?

  • Go to this conversion calculator tool on OmniCalculator using the link given below.
  • Add the Candela and Distance into the respective fields.
  • This gets you the corresponding Lux value along with Lumen and Surface Area.


  • Input Parameters: Candela/Lumen, Source Radiation Angle, and Distance.
  • Output Parameters: Lux and Surface Area.
  • Distance Unit: 11 options to choose from covering metric and imperial systems.


RapidTables.com is a website that provides a variety of tables and calculators on topics like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and more. It has a set of Lighting calculators where you can easily convert light measurements from one unit to another. The Candela to Lux calculator on the website lets you convert a given luminous intensity in candela into illuminance in lux. This is a direct conversion where you can provide the distance either in meters or feet. Then you can simply run the tool to get the conversion result. Just below the calculator, it has a link to a Lux to Candela calculator. You can visit that link for a reverse conversion.

How to convert candela to lumen online using RapidTables.com?

  • Open this Candela to lux calculator using the link provided below.
  • Enter luminous intensity in candela and then set the distance in the desired unit system.
  • After that click the Calculate button to get the Illuminance result in lux.


  • Input Parameters: Luminous intensity in Candela and Distance.
  • Output Parameters: Illuminance results in lux.
  • Distance Unit: Feet or meter.


Calculatorology.com is an online collection of various calculators and conversion tools for multiple topics. It covers a wide range of categories including finance, math, health, fitness, weather, and unit conversion calculators. You can use the Candela to Lux Conversion Calculator to convert luminous intensity to illuminance. It supports feet and meters units for distance measurement. You can pick the unit of choice and your inputs to perform the conversion. The webpage of the calculator explains the conversion formula along with the terminologies involved. It also has an example solution for the conversion that can help users understand the conversion.

How to convert candela to lumen online using Calculatorology.com?

  • Follow the link provided below to open this calculator directly.
  • Add luminous intensity in candela.
  • Then set the distance in the feet or meters.
  • After that click the Calculate button to get the Illuminance result in lux.


  • Input Parameters: Luminous intensity in Candela and Distance.
  • Output Parameters: Illuminance results in lux.
  • Distance Unit: Feet or meter.


RFWireless-World.com is a resource website for radio frequency (RF) and wireless engineers and technicians. It provides tutorials and calculators on various topics related to RF, microwave, and wireless communications. This website has a Lux to candela calculator and a Candela to lux converter. It has the converters vertically on the same web page. The distance unit for both calculators is fixed to meters. You can simply add your candela value to get the corresponding lux value. Similarly, you can use the other calculator to convert lux to candela.

How to convert candela to lumen online using RFWireless-World.com?

  • Head over to this calculator using the link given below.
  • Scroll down to the “Candela to lux converter” section.
  • Enter the Luminous Intensity in candela and set the distance in meters.
  • Then click the Calculate button to get the Lux output.


  • Input Parameters: Luminous intensity in Candela and Distance.
  • Output Parameters: Lux.
  • Distance Unit: Meter.


CalcMagics.com is an online calculator website that provides a variety of calculators and tools for mathematics, physics, and engineering. This website has a Candela to Lux calculator that you can use to convert luminous intensity to illuminance. The calculator takes the value of Candela along with the distance. It has two options for distance measurements; feet and meters. You can choose the desired unit and perform your conversion. The website also provides the functionality to add the calculator to the home screen as a shortcut.

How to convert candela to lumen online using CalcMagics.com?

  • Use the direct link given below to open this calculator in your browser.
  • Add the values of candela and distance.
  • Then click the Calculate button to get the lumen.


  • Input Parameters: Candela (Luminous intensity) and Distance.
  • Output Parameters: Illuminance results in lux.
  • Distance Unit: Feet or meter.


FindMyTotal.com is a financial management website that provides users with a range of tools and resources to help them manage their finances. The website has a collection of light conversion tools for Candela, Lux, Lumen, Footcandles, Watt, etc. You can use the Candela to Lux calculator available on the website to perform your candela to lux conversion. This is a simple tool that converts a given candela value to lux for a specific distance. The distance should be in feet for the calculation. If the distance is not in feet then you have to convert that to feet first and then perform the conversion.

How to convert candela to lumen online using FindMyTotal.com?

  • Go to this Candela to Lux calculator using the link given below.
  • Add the values of Luminous intensity in Candela and Distance in feet
  • Adding these values gets you the Illuminance in lux.


  • Input Parameters: Luminous intensity in Candela and Distance in feet.
  • Output Parameters: Illuminance in lux.
  • Distance Unit: Feet.


GoPhotonics.com is a website that provides information and resources for people interested in photonics, which is the study of light and its properties. The website covers a wide range of topics, including optics, lasers, fiber optics, and optical communication. You can use the Candela to Lux Conversion Calculator on the website to perform your conversion. This calculator can work with distances in meters or feet. You can choose the unit of choice for the distance and add your input to convert your candela to lux.

How to convert candela to lumen online using GoPhotonics.com?

  • Click on the link given below to open this calculator directly in your browser.
  • Enter the luminous intensity in candela and the distance in their respective fields.
  • Then click the Calculate button to get the Illuminance result in lux.


  • Input Parameters: Luminous intensity in Candela and Distance.
  • Output Parameters: Illuminance in lux.
  • Distance Unit: Feet or meter.

Frequently Asked Questions

Candela is the SI unit of luminous intensity, measuring the amount of light emitted in a particular direction by a light source.

Lux is the SI unit of illuminance, measuring the amount of light that falls on a surface per unit area.

Lux is derived from Candela and meters squared (lx = cd/m²). It represents the intensity of light at a specific point on a surface.

Lux = Candela / Distance². The distance is measured in meters.

As the distance from the light source increases, Lux decreases because the same amount of light is spread over a larger area.

No, the Lux value depends on the distance from the light source, so the conversion must consider the specific distance.

Yes, the conversion is applicable to all light sources, provided you know the luminous intensity in Candela and the distance.

Candela is typically measured using a photometric sphere, integrating sphere, or other calibrated instruments.

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