9 Best Free Online APFT Calculator Websites

Here is a list of best free online APFT calculator websites. To get recruited into U.S. Army, aspirants need to go through several tests like basic qualifications, aptitude, educational attainment, etc. Although, one test which is mandatory and one of the toughest is APFT or Army Physical Fitness Test. This test is designed to test the physical fitness and endurance of aspirants. This test consists of three disciplines in which aspirants need to do 2 min sit-ups, 2 min push-ups, and 2-mile run. To calculate, if you can pass the APFT test or not, check out these free online APFT calculators.

Through these calculators, users can perform APFT calculations and find out if they can pass the APFT test or not. To perform the calculation, users need to input some details like Age, Gender, Number of Push-ups/ 2min, 2 Mile Run Time, etc. After performing the calculation, most of these websites show individual discipline scores and an overall APFT score. Some websites also show APFT status in the form of Pass or Fail. The process to perform the APFT calculation is also quite simple on most of these websites. Still, I have included the necessary calculation steps in the description of each website.

These websites also come with additional online tools like BMR Calculator, BMI Calculator, Math Calculators, Physics Calculators, and more. Go through the list to know more about these websites.

My Favorite Online APFT calculator Website:

apftscore.com is my favorite website as it can calculate the APFT scores and scores of multiple aspirants. Plus, it also shows individual APFT test status.

You can also check out lists of best free Online Macro CalculatorOnline Lean Body Mass Calculator, and Online BMR Calculator websites.

Comparison Table:

Features/Website Names Shows Individual and Overall APFT Results Shows APFT Status (Passed or Failed) Calculate APFT Scores of Multiple Aspirants
omnicalculator.com x
fitnessvolt.com x
easycalculation.com x
calculatormarket.com x x
thecalculator.co x
thefreecalculator.com x x


omnicalculator.com is a free online APFT calculator website. Using this website, users can find out the Army physical fitness test scores based on their current sit-ups, pushups, and 2-mile run performance. After performing the calculation, it shows the overall APFT score along with scores and status (pass or failed) of individual exercises. This website also explains what is APFT along with all the APFT standards. Now, follow the below steps.

How to perform APFT calculation online using omnicalculator.com:

  • Go to this website and access the APFT calculator.
  • After that, enter your age and gender.
  • Now, enter the number of pushups and situps you can do in 2 minutes.
  • Finally, enter your 2-mile run time to start the calculation process.

Additional Features:

  • This website also comes with additional online calculators such as Finance, Sports, Physics, Statistics, and more.

Final Thoughts:

It is a good online APFT calculator website through which users can calculate overall APFT scores as well as scores of individual disciplines.

Pros Cons
Also Shows individual APFT exercises results
Explains APFT Charts and Standards


apftscore.com is a free online APFT calculator website. Using this website, users can calculate the APFT scores of individual and multiple recruits. To perform the calculation, users need to enter the number of pushups, situps, run time, age, and gender values. After performing the calculation, it shows the overall APFT score and status (passed or fail). It also lets users download the final result in PDF format. Now, follow the below steps.

How to perform APFT calculation online using apftscore.com:

  • Visit this website and access the APFT calculator.
  • After that, select score one soldier or score multiple soldiers section.
  • Next, enter your number of push-ups, sit-ups, run time, age, and gender values.
  • Finally, click on the Score button to view the APFT score and status.

Additional Features:

  • This website also offers all the necessary information related to APFT and APFT scores. It also contains updates related to APFT.

Final Thoughts:

It is one of the best free online APFT calculator websites that allows users to calculate the APFT scores of one or more individuals.

Pros Cons
Can show individual APFT exercises results
Calculate APFT scores of multiple soldiers


goodcalculators.com is another free online APFT calculator website. This website helps users estimate their level of fitness according to the U.S. army APFT standards. To judge your fitness, this website requires your gender, number of sit-ups, number of push-ups, and two-mile run time. After performing the calculation, it shows points earned on individual tasks and status (passed or failed). A final APFT score is also provided by it. Now, follow the below steps.

How to perform APFT calculation online using goodcalculators.com:

  • Visit this website using the given link.
  • After that, specify your Gender, Age Group, Push-Ups, Sit-Ups, and Two Mile Run time.
  • Next, click on the Calculate button to start the calculation process.
  • Finally, view the calculated individual exercise earned points and overall APFT score.

Additional Features:

  • This website also offers additional online calculators such as Pay Raise Calculator, Water Intake Calculator, Ratio Calculator, VS Disability Calculator, and more.

Final Thoughts:

It is another good online APFT calculator website that can quickly calculate the APFT scores of individuals based on their physical performance.

Pros Cons
Can show individual APFT exercises results and overall APFT result shows ads on its interface
Simple to use


calculator-online.net is another free online APFT calculator website. Using this website, users can perform standard APFT calculations which are based on their age, gender, number of push-ups, number of sit-ups, and two-minute run time. Besides this, users can use it to check the APFT scores of multiple soldiers at a time. It even lets users check the minimum scores they will need to pass the test. This website also explains what is APFT and how the APFT calculator works. Now, follow the below steps.

How to perform APFT calculations online using calculator-online.net:

  • Go to this website using the given link.
  • After that, select check your score option from the Calculating for menu.
  • Now, enter all the required values like Age, Gender, etc.
  • Next, click on the Calculate button to start the calculation process and view the individual scores and overall APFT score.

Additional Features:

  • This website also offers related calculators such as BMI Calculator, One Rep Max Calculator, ACFT Calculator, TDEE Calculator, and more.

Final Thoughts:

It is another good online APFT calculator website that offers all the necessary tools to perform APFT calculations for individual and multiple users.

Pros Cons
Can show individual APFT exercises results and overall APFT result shows ads on its interface
Can also calculate the APFT scores of multiple soldiers


fitnessvolt.com is another free online APFT calculator website. It is another good APFT calculator website that also explains what is APFT calculator and how it performs the APFT calculations. Like other similar websites, it requires some input values from users to evaluate their APFT scores namely Age, Push-ups in two minutes, sit-ups in 2 minutes, and two mile run time. After the evaluation, it shows the individual exercise APFT status (passed or fail) and scores of all the exercises. Now, follow the below steps.

How to perform APFT calculation online using fitnessvolt.com:

  • Launch this website and open up the APFT calculator.
  • After that, enter your details like Gender, Age, Number of Push-ups, etc.
  • Now, click on the Calculate button to start the calculation process.
  • Finally, view the APFT Status, individual scores, and overall APFT scores.

Additional Features:

  • On this website, users can find fitness (bodybuilding, powerlifting, strongman, etc,) related blogs and tools.

Final Thoughts:

It is another good online APFT calculator website through which users can calculate their individual and overall APFT scores.

Pros Cons
Can show individual APFT exercises results and overall APFT result shows ads on its interface
Answers common questions related to APFT
Also shows minimum scores required for users to pass the APFT


easycalculation.com is yet another free APFT calculator website. As its name implies, it is mainly an online calculator website that also offers an APFT calculator. This calculator offers basic information related to APFT. Plus, it is quite simple to use, as users just need to enter their performance statistics to perform the calculation like the number of pushups, number of situps, running time, age, and gender. After performing the calculation, users can view their push-up scores sit-up scores, run score, and overall AFTP scores. It also shows the status highlighting which tests users have passed. Now, follow the below steps.

How to perform APFT calculation online using easycalculation.com:

  • Launch this website using the given link.
  • After that, requires performance details.
  • Next, specify your gender and age.
  • Finally, hit the Calculate button to start the calculation process.

Additional Features:

  • This website offers online calculators covering various topics like Algebra, Statistics, Science, and more.

Final Thoughts:

It is another capable online APFT calculator website that shows individual and overall APFT scores.

Pros Cons
Can show individual APFT exercises results and overall APFT result shows ads on its interface


calculatormarket.com is another free APFT calculator website. Through this website, users can calculate their Army physical fitness test values. Besides this, a body fat calculator is also provided by it. To calculate the APFT value, it needs some input values like Number of Pushups, Situps, Two Mil Run Time, Age, etc. After performing the calculation, it shows which individual test you passed and failed. An overall APFT score is also provided by it. Now, follow the below steps.

How to perform APFT calculation online using calculatormarket.com:

  • Visit this website using the given link and access the APFT Calculator.
  • After that, enter the required values such as Gender, Age, Pushups, Situps, Two Mile Run Time, etc.
  • Now, click on the Calculate button to start the calculation process.
  • Finally, view the individual test results and overall APFT results.

Additional Features:

  • As its name implies, it also offers additional online calculators such as Roof pitch calculator, Age Calculator, Rectangle Calculator, Tire Size Calculator, Concrete Calculator, and more.

Final Thoughts:

It is another simple and effective online APFT calculator website that shows individual scores and the overall APFT result.

Pros Cons
Can show individual APFT exercises results and overall APFT result shows ads on its interface
Offers Related Calculators


thecalculator.co is another free online APFT calculator website. This website helps users estimate their physical endurance and strength through three APFT events (running, push-ups, and sit-ups). Besides this, it also requires the Gender and Age of users to complete the APFT calculation. After concluding the calculation, it shows performance in individual exercises and overall APFT score. besides this APFT status showing fail or pass is also provided by it.

This website also answers common questions related to APFT like how APFT work, What is APFT, the Meaning of APFT Scores, and more. Now, follow the below steps. Now, follow the below steps.

How to perform APFT calculation online using thecalculator.co:

  • Visit this website and access the APFT Calculator.
  • After that, enter your Gender, Age, Number of Pushups, etc.
  • Next, click on the Calculate button to start the calculation process.
  • Finally, view the individual and overall APFT scores and APFT status.

Additional Features:

  • This website also offers online calculators associated with Finance, health, Personality, math, Time. and Fields.

Final Thoughts:

It is another good online APFT calculator website that allows users to find out their APFT scores.

Pros Cons
Can show individual APFT exercises results and overall APFT result
Shows APFT Score Status
Answers multiple questions related to APFT


thefreecalculator.com is the last free online APFT calculator website. This website offers multiple online calculators one of which is an APFT calculator. Through this website, users can find out whether they can pass the APFT test. This test included the performance of aspirants in three main activities namely sit-ups, push-ups, and running. By clearing all three disciplines, aspirants can clear the APFT test. Now, to perform the APFT calculation, follow the below steps.

How to perform APFT calculation online using thefreecalculator.com:

  • Go to this website and open up the APFT calculator.
  • After that, enter your Age, Sex, Number of Push-ups, Number of Sit-ups, and 2-mile run time.
  • Finally, view the calculated scores of individual disciplines and the overall APFT score.

Additional Features:

  • On this website, users also get online calculators associated with Maths, Chemistry, Construction, Health, Sports, and more.

Final Thoughts:

It is another simple-to-use online APFT calculator website through which users can quickly perform APFT calculations.

Pros Cons
Can show individual APFT exercises results and overall APFT result Show multiple Ads on its interface
Explains APFT
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