10 Best Free Online Anagram Solver Websites

Here is a list of best free online Anagram solver websites. An anagram is a word or phrase obtained by rearranging another word like “inlets” from “listen”. On the other hand, Anagram solver is a tool or program that helps users find multiple anagrams of a given word. All the anagram words generated by the anagram generator tool are made up of letters present on a given word. Anagram solvers are used to explore possible word combinations. They are also used to solve anagrams in games like Words With Friends, Scrabble, Crossword Puzzles, etc. If you also want to generate anagram words or solve an anagram, check out these online Anagram solver websites.

I have tested more than 25 Anagram solver tools on the internet and come up with these 10 best free Anagram solver websites. Through these websites, users can find multiple possible anagram words made up using the letters of a given word or phrase. Some of these websites can also generate anagram words starting from a specific letter, ending on a specific letter, and containing specified letters. To help new users, I have included the steps to solve anagram in the description of each website. Go through the list to learn more about these Anagram solvers.

My Favorite Online Anagram Solver Website:

wordfinderx.com is my favorite website as it can find condition-based anagram words. Plus, it also lets users generate all possible anagram words of different lengths.

You can also check out lists of best free Online Math Equation SolverOnline Word Frequency Counter, and Online Word Unscrambler websites.

Comparison Table:

Features/Website Names Generates Anagram words of varting lengths Can generate condition based anagram words Supports multiple word dictionaries
thewordfinder.org x x
anagram-solver.net x x x
ssynth.co.uk x x
wordplays.com x x
wordfinders.com x x
wordsmith.org x x x
scrabble-solver.com x
crosswordsolver.com x x


wordfinderx.com is a free online Anagram solver website. This website can quickly find out the anagram words of varying lengths. I also like its ability to find anagram words of specific length, containing specific letters, and start & end with specific letters. It also offers 4 dictionary modes namely words with friends, scrabble US, scrabble UK, and all dictionaries.

This website describes anagrams and all four dictionary modes that it provides. It even lists steps to solve this anagram solver. It also shows the words and nouns of selected anagram words. Now, check out the below steps.

How to use this anagram solver online using wordfinderx.com:

  • Visit this website using the given link.
  • After that, enter an input word of up to 15 characters in length.
  • Now, tap on the search button to view anagram words of varying lengths.
  • To find specific anagram words then specify anagram starting letter, ending letter, length, etc.
  • Again tap on search view anagrams meeting all the requirements.

Additional Features:

  • It also contains tools like Jumble Solver, Scrabble Word Finder, Unscramble Words, Word Descrambler, Word Finder, and more.

Final Thoughts:

It is one of the best free online anagram solver websites that can find all possible anagrams of varying word lengths and specific anagram words meeting the requirements.

Pros Cons
Can find anagram words of varying lengths
Lets users find specific anagram words
Provides anagram-solving steps


word.tips is another free online anagram solver website. With the help of this website, I can find multiple legitimate words starting and ending with certain letters. Besides this, it also gives me the freedom to find anagram words of a specific length and containing certain letters. It can also generate anagram words of various lengths. This tool can be operated in four modes namely Words with Friends, Scrabble US, Scrabble UK, and All Dictionaries.

To help users, it explains the process of unscrambling words & letters through this tool. It also lists the uses of this anagram solver tool. Now, follow the below steps.

How to use this anagram solver online using word.tips:

  • Visit this website using the given link.
  • After that, submit a word in the input field.
  • Now, specify the start letter, end letter, letters that should be present in the output, and the length of the anagram.
  • Finally, choose a mode and click on the Search button to view one or more anagrams meeting all the requirements.

Additional Features:

  • This offers various tools like Word Descrambler, Word Unscrambler, Scrabble Cheat, Scrabble Word Finder, etc.

Final Thoughts:

It is another good online anagram solver website that helps you find specific anagram words based on your requirements.

Pros Cons
Helps users find anagram words of a specific length, starting letter, and end letter
Supports multiple usage modes


thewordfinder.org is a free online Anagram solver website. This website helps me find all the possible words that can be made from a given word. It generates anagram words of different lengths. I also found an extra letters feature on this website that allows it to use extra words to make known words. Users can also specify the position of extra letters they want to appear in the word. A handy sort tool is also available to help users sort results based on Word Length, WWF Points, and Scrabble Points. Now, follow the below steps.

How to solve anagram online using thewordfinder.org:

  • Go to this website and access the Anagram Solver.
  • After that, enter a word in the input field.
  • Next, go to Advanced settings if you want to use extra letters to make a word.
  • Finally, tap on the Scramble! button to view all possible words that can be made from the letters of a given word.

Additional Features:

  • This website offers similar tools like Word Scramble, Scrabble Word Finder, Scrabble Word Lists, Sudoku Solver, etc.

Final Thoughts:

It is another good online anagram solver website that finds all the words that can be made using a given word’s letters.

Pros Cons
Finds all possible words of different lengths
Lets users use extra letters to make a known word


anagram-solver.net is another free online anagram solver website. This website offers a simple anagram solver tool that I can use to find anagram words of the same length as the input word. To obtain multiple anagram words, it uses double-quotes (“”), Hyphen (-), and Exclamation marks (!). Unlike other websites, it cannot obtain anagram words of different lengths. Now, follow the below steps.

How to use this anagram solver online using anagram-solver.net:

  • Launch this website and access the Anagram to solve.
  • Now, submit a word in the input field.
  • Next, click on the Submit button.
  • Finally, view anagram words of the same length.

Final Thoughts:

In my opinion, it is one of the simplest anagram solver websites as it only needs a word to find anagrams of the same length as the input word.

Pros Cons
Finds anagram words of the same length as the input word Don’t find anagram words of different lengths
Includes anagram words with special characters in the result


ssynth.co.uk is another free online anagram solver website. With the help of this tool, I can solve anagram words and phrases. Based on the input word or phrase, it can generate multiple valid words and phrases of the same length as the input. Before initiating the anagram-solving process, users can specify a solution limit, select a dictionary, and include single-character words. Now, check out the below steps.

How to generate anagram words online using ssynth.co.uk:

  • Visit this website and access Andy’s anagram solver.
  • After that, enter a word or phrase in the input field.
  • Next, specify a solution limit or no limit.
  • Choose a dictionary and specify a time limit.
  • Finally, tap on the Go do it! button.

Additional Features:

  • This website offers a handy word-finder tool that helps users find words of a specific length.

Final Thoughts:

It is another good online Anagram solver website that helps users solve both anagram words and phrases.

Pros Cons
Can find anagram words and phrases
Offers multiple dictionaries


wordplays.com is another free online anagram solver website. With this website, I can find multiple single-word anagrams. It supports an input word of up to 14 characters in length. Plus, it can find anagram word of various character lengths like 5-letter anagrams, 4-letter anagrams, 10-letter anagrams, etc. The process to look for anagrams is also quite simple.

This website explains anagram and shows steps to use it. It also discusses various anagram puzzles and games that users can play. I also like its ability to show the meanings of obtained words. Now, check out the below steps.

How to generate anagram words online using wordplays.com:

  • Launch this website and access the Anagram Solver.
  • After that, submit the word.
  • Next, tap on the search button to start the anagram search process.
  • Finally, view a list of anagram words of varying lengths.

Additional Features:

  • This website offers related tools like Crossword Solver, Boggle, Text Twist, Sudoku, Scrabble Word Finder, etc.

Final Thoughts:

It is another good online anagram solver website that allows me to find multiple anagram words of varying lengths.

Pros Cons
Can find anagram words of varying lengths Support words of up to 14 characters in length
It shows the meaning of obtained anagram words


wordfinders.com is another free online Anagram solver website. Through this website, users can generate anagram words of various lengths. However, it only supports input words of up to 12 letters long. By submitting a word, users can find all the possible words that can be made using the input word. To find and generate anagram words, it uses a large open-source dictionary. However, it doesn’t offer many details related to this tool. Now, follow the below steps.

How to use this anagram solver online using wordfinders.com:

  • Launch this website and access the Anagram Solver.
  • After that, submit a word of up to 12 characters long.
  • Next, tap on the Get Words! button to view multiple anagram words of various lengths.

Additional Features:

  • This website offers multiple online tools such as Word Search Creator, Boggle Solver, Scrabble Solver, Word unscrambler, etc.

Final Thoughts:

It is another good online anagram solver website that anyone can use to find multiple anagrams of a word of various lengths.

Pros Cons
Can find anagram words of varying lengths


wordsmith.org is the next free anagram solver website. This website offers a simple anagram solver tool that helps me find multiple anagram words and phrases of a given word. In my testing, I found that it generates relatively fewer anagram words compared to similar websites. In some cases, it failed to generate even one anagram word. The process of generating anagram words and phrases through this tool is relatively simple. Now, check out the below steps.

How to solve anagram online using wordsmith.org:

  • Open the main interface of this website and select the Anagram tool.
  • After that, submit one word or phrase.
  • Now, tap on the Find anagrams button to start the process.
  • Finally, view a list of anagrams.

Additional Features:

  • This website has multiple anagram tools like Anagram Checker, Anagram Animation Maker, The Anagram Hall of Fame, etc.

Final Thoughts:

This website offers a simple anagram solver website that allows me to generate anagram words and phrases.

Pros Cons
Can generate anagram words and phrases It generates relatively fewer anagram words


scrabble-solver.com is another free online anagram solver website. This website in its default mode shows multiple anagram words of various lengths. However, users can choose to generate anagram words consisting of specific letters, start with a specific letter, or end with a specific letter. I can also specify hook letters (fixed letters) to generate one or more anagrams consisting of hook letters in the same order as specified. On this website, I also found information related to anagram solvers and steps to solve anagrams. Now, follow the below steps.

How to solve anagram online using scrabble-solver.com:

  • Go to this website and open up the Anagram Solver tool.
  • After that, enter a word or phrase.
  • Now, choose Default mode or other available custom options like hook letters, begins with, etc.
  • Finally, click on the Solve! button to view anagram letters.

Additional Feature:

  • This website offers tools like Wordle Solver, Sord Finder List, Scrabble Cheat, Crossword Solver, etc.

Final Thoughts:

It is another capable online anagram solver website that offers multiple modes to solve anagrams.

Pros Cons
Offers multiple anagram-solving modes
Can generate anagram words of varying lengths


crosswordsolver.com is the last free online anagram solver website. This website comes with a straightforward anagram solver website that I like. If you just want to find multiple anagram words based on a given word, then check out this tool. This website generates anagram words of various lengths like six-letter words, five-letter words, four-letter words, etc. Now, follow the below steps.

How to solve anagram online using crosswordsolver.com:

  • Launch this website and access the Anagram Solver tool.
  • After that, submit a word in the input field.
  • Next, tap on the Search to start the process.
  • Finally, view all the anagram words.

Additional Features:

  • This website offers a variety of online tools like Scrabble Solver Crossword Solver, Wordle Solver, Synonyms Finder, WWF Solver, and more.

Final Thoughts:

It is a straightforward anagram solver website that helps users find all possible anagram words of different lengths.

Pros Cons
Can generate anagram words of varying lengths
Easy to use

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, you can use anagrams in Scrabble, but with limitations.

Here are some examples of anagrams Listen - Silent, Race - Care, Cream - Came, Debit card - Bad credit, etc.

Yes, an anagram is definitely a type of puzzle. It involves a challenge: rearranging the letters of a word or phrase to form a new word or phrase.

Yes, the word "anagram" has several anagrams like Nag a ram, Rang ama, Garanama, etc.

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